Water Baptism Registration

Sunday August 18th, 2024 | What is Water Baptism?
If you have recently committed your life to Christ or you have never been baptized in water, you may be wondering what the Bible teaches us about water baptism?
Water baptism is the Biblical method to witness publicly that you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour.

New Life In Christ
1. Water baptism demonstrates your desire to live a new life in Christ and to be obedient to Him as you grow in your faith and knowledge of Christ.
2. Water baptism is an outward expression of your inward transformation, as you've 'put off your old life' and accepted a new life of commitment to Christ.

The Meaning of Baptism
To baptize means to immerse. In the Bible, a person being baptized was entirely immersed in water to signify the burial of their old life. When Jesus was baptized, the Bible says He came “up out of the water” (Mark1:10). When Philip baptized the Ethiopian (Acts 8:38) they went “into the water.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “When anyone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun”. The Bible shows us that in many cases, a person would be baptized as soon as they gave their life to Christ - it was a celebration of what had just taken place.

At Encounter Church, we baptize according to the Biblical model - the person is fully immersed in water. The Pastor will be with each person to lead them through the baptism.
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Sunday August 18th, 2024
What is Water Baptism?
If you have recently committed your life to Christ or you have never been baptized in water, you may be wondering what the Bible teaches us about water baptism?
Water baptism is the Biblical method to witness publicly that you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour.

New Life In Christ
1. Water baptism demonstrates your desire to live a new life in Christ and to be obedient to Him as you grow in your faith and knowledge of Christ.
2. Water baptism is an outward expression of your inward transformation, as you've 'put off your old life' and accepted a new life of commitment to Christ.

The Meaning of Baptism
To baptize means to immerse. In the Bible, a person being baptized was entirely immersed in water to signify the burial of their old life. When Jesus was baptized, the Bible says He came “up out of the water” (Mark1:10). When Philip baptized the Ethiopian (Acts 8:38) they went “into the water.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “When anyone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun”. The Bible shows us that in many cases, a person would be baptized as soon as they gave their life to Christ - it was a celebration of what had just taken place.

At Encounter Church, we baptize according to the Biblical model - the person is fully immersed in water. The Pastor will be with each person to lead them through the baptism.